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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fw: H-ASIA: Reducing a personal library - East Asian subjects (comment)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Monika Lehner" <monika.lehner@UNIVIE.AC.AT>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:39 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: Reducing a personal library - East Asian subjects (comment)

> January 4, 2010
> Reducing a personal library - East Asian subjects (comment)
> ************************************************************************
> From:
> One possibility is to donate books to the library of one of the smaller
> colleges in India. This can be done on a personal basis, by people
> carrying books when they come here. Domestic shipping would not be too
> expensive, and in some cases there might be a college or institute in the
> town where your research might take you, where digital resources are hard
> to access, and books would still be greatly appreciated.
> Some years ago, the Jagannath Institute for Technology and Management in
> Orissa was accepting college-level books. The principal, Dhanada Mishra,
> has since moved on to another organization, but JITM can be contacted via
> its website, and Dhanada via LinkedIn.
> When I studied in the US, many of us Indian grads networked online to
> spread the word if we either had books to donate, or were going to India
> with room in our luggage to carry books. I recall hearing that some
> airline (I don't remember which) even allowed some amount of free excess
> baggage if it was a donation to a charitable organization (some colleges
> are run by charitable trusts).
> Best wishes for a happy new year.
> Uma Asher
> New Delhi
> *************************************************************************
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