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Monday, January 3, 2011

Fw: H-ASIA: New Hindi-Urdu Blended Teaching Resources

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Dunch" <ryan.dunch@UALBERTA.CA>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 1:01 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: New Hindi-Urdu Blended Teaching Resources

> January 3, 2011
> New Hindi-Urdu Blended Teaching Resources
> ************************************************************************
> From: "A. Sean Pue" <pue@MSU.EDU>
> I am pleased to announce the release of a new website (
> ) that hosts Hindi-Urdu Blended Teaching Resources.
> ("Blended" in this context means partly online, not pureed.) These include
> over twenty proficiency-oriented videos aimed at various language levels
> that were filmed at and around Michigan State University in summer 2010.
> These have captions, as well as tags for level, using ACTFL, ILR, and the
> more common "basic, intermediate, advanced" scale. There is also an
> online devanagari (Hindi) writing guide, which will redraw handwriting
> samples and allow students to trace and write using their mouse, stylus,
> or finger on a tablet device. Efforts have been to make these resources
> function on older computers as well as latest mobile devices, so they will
> also work on the iPad and iPhone by using HTML5, the newly emerging web
> standard. This website was supported by a pedagogical materials grant
> from the South Asia Language Resource Center for which I was the principal
> investigator along with Vishwajeet Singh (now at the University of
> Oregon). Please let anyone know who might be interested in using them.
> We welcome comments, corrections, and suggestions through the online
> contact form, and I have a research assistant who can make any changes.
> Thanks!
> A. Sean Pue, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Hindi Language and South Asian Literature and
> Culture
> Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African
> Languages
> Michigan State University
> *************************************************************************
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