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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fw: [Triplegem] Understanding Anger

----- Original Message -----
From: nori
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 12:36 AM
Subject: [Triplegem] Understanding Anger


Hi All,

Just sharing thoughts..

Hope all are well.


It is never the case that another person has made you angry.

It is always the case, that it is you, who has made yourself angry.

If you take the person who has aroused the anger in you, and you put him in an enclosed room, where you can neither see him or hear him, and if he repeated the same actions again, then you would remain unaffected.

So, therefore it is not due to his actions that you are angered. It is due to *your actions* and *your disposition* which conditions *your response*.

I think it is very beneficial to contemplate the causes for why and how this happens (to have anger arise).

It's usually because you had an expectation, and you did not get what you want.

With Metta,

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