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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fw: [Y-Indology] File - Posting guidelines.rtf

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 7:27 PM
Subject: [Y-Indology] File - Posting guidelines.rtf

> {\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf102
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> \f0\fs24 \cf0 Yahoo!INDOLOGY Posting Guidelines:
> \f1 \
> \
> This is a bi-weekly message to inform new members (and remind old members)
> of the principles which guide moderation of this list.\
> \
> In general, postings to this list are expected to conform to the following
> principles:\
> \
> 1) Keep all postings to a rough upper limit of 2 screens. \
> \
> 2) Do *not* include clippings from previous postings unless *absolutely*
> necessary! \
> \
> 3) Maintain an even and respectful tone. Comments of a personal nature are
> especially discouraged.\
> \
> 4) This is a discussion list, not an online journal. Unsolicited
> mini-essays should not be posted. *Occasional* postings, giving the url
> of informative, new contributions to the study of classical India may be
> posted. However, discretion should be shown in such matters.\
> \
> 5) Postings should make a contribution to the "academic study of
> *classical* India," the stated purpose of the list.\
> \
> 5a) Therefore, postings concerning issues or events post-1800 are
> discouraged.\
> \
> 5b) Similarly, "meta-level" discussions of Indology and Indologists should
> be avoided, unless they clearly provide a *new*, helpful, and interesting
> perspective on these (no doubt very important) issues. In the past, on
> this list, these topics in particular have tended to spark unhelpful and
> un-nuanced discussion. Please, no re-hashing of old grievances in new
> form. \
> \
> By following these guidelines and policing ourselves, I hope this list may
> maintain itself as a **low-volume/high-quality** list which can exist
> without much, if any, moderation.\
> \
> Violation of any of the above may result in postings being rejected and,
> if repeated, may result in banning from the list.\
> \
> Due to time constraints, it is not possible for the moderator to send
> "rejection" notices for every message which transgresses the list's
> guidelines and/or mandate. Nor can he respond to queries concerning
> moderation of specific messages. If your message has not posted, you may
> presume it is for one of the reasons noted above.\
> \
> Thank you,\
> \
> Yahoo!INDOLOGY Moderation}

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