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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fw: H-ASIA: CFP Class & French Colonialism, FCHS, New Orleans, 30 May-2 Jun 2012

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 7:52 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP Class & French Colonialism, FCHS, New Orleans, 30 May-2
Jun 2012

> September 8, 2011
> Call for panelists Class and French Colonialism, French Colonial
> Historical Society, New Orleans, May 30-June 2, 2012
> (x-post H-French-Colonial)
> *****************************************************************
> Ed. note: Paul Sager is not a member of H-ASIA, but there may be
> some members with interests that would match his suggestion for a FCHS
> conference panel, either also regarding Indochina or other French
> territories. Please contact him directly. Thanks. FFC
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Paul Sager <>
> Dear scholars,
> Class is a little-studied aspect of colonial history. The racial and
> gender aspects of empire have rightly attracted much interest, but with
> few exceptions class is more often mentioned in passing. It is usually
> tacked on as an incidental or tertiary phenomenon, giving the impression
> that it was a relatively unimportant aspect of colonial social relations.
> To begin to open up the subject, I would like to form a panel focusing on
> questions of social class in French colonial contexts for the next French
> Colonial History Society meeting, to be held in New Orleans in May-June,
> 2012. My own paper will argue that in addition to race and gender,
> class--understood both as primarily discursive imaginings of social class
> as well as more non-discursive stratified socio-economic
> relationships--significantly helped to shape the history of the colonial
> state in French Indochina.
> Are any other scholars working on class in French colonial contexts? If
> so, it would be great to get together on a panel.
> Please contact me off-list at
> The deadline for submissions to this conference is October 15.
> Paul Sager
> Ph.D. candidate
> New York University
> ******************************************************************
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> <>
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> <> with message:
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Fw: H-ASIA: Member pub _Childbirth in Republican China: Delivering Modernity_ by Tina Johnson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 7:52 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: Member pub _Childbirth in Republican China: Delivering
Modernity_ by Tina Johnson

> September 8, 2011
> Member's publication: _Childbirth in Republican China: Delivering
> Modernity_ by Tina Johnson
> ************************************************************************
> From: Tina Johnson <>
> Dear friends,
> I would like to announce the publication of my new book:
> Tina Johnson
> _Childbirth in Republican China: Delivering Modernity_
> (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield,
> 2011). 268 pp.
> ISBN 0-7391-6440-6 | 978-0-7391-6440-2 (hardcover)
> ISBN 0-7391-6442-2 | 978-0-7391-6442-6 (electronic)
> From the back cover:
> Childbirth in Republican China: Delivering Modernity is the study of
> a pivotal period (1911–1949) in which traditional midwifery, marked
> by private, unregulated old-style midwives, was transformed into
> modern midwifery through the adoption of a highly medicalized and
> state-sponsored birth model that is standard in urban China today. in
> the twentieth century, biomedical technologies altered the process of
> childbirth on virtually every level. What had been a matter of
> private interest, focusing on family and lineage, became a national
> priority, a symbol of the new citizen who would participate in the
> creation of a revitalized nation. This transformation of reproduction
> coalesces with the broader story of China's twentieth-century
> revolutions, marked by an emphasis on science and modernity. The
> roles of the state and Western medical personnel were paramount in
> affecting these changes, but equally important were the intense
> social and cultural shifts that occurred simultaneously. The dominant
> themes of reproduction in twentieth-century China are characterized
> by expanding state involvement, shifting gender roles, escalating
> consumption patterns accompanying the commercialization of private
> lives, and the increasing medicalization of the birth process.
> "This well-researched book is an important addition to the literature
> on state building and mod- ernization in modern China. Focusing on
> the introduction and development of the biomedical birth model in the
> Republican period, it provides a stimulating case study of the
> transformation of reproduction during a period of far-reaching
> social, intellectual, and cultural changes. The author's careful and
> insightful analysis of the issues of modernization, state building,
> gender roles, consumer culture, and the medicalization of birth in
> modern China is scholarly and commend- able. The book will be of
> considerable value to historians of China and medicine, sociologists,
> and anthropologists, as well as gender studies scholars." —Ka-Che
> Yip, author of Health and National Reconstruction in Nationalist
> China: The Development of Modern Health Services, 1928-1937,
> University of Maryland, Baltimore County
> "This richly-detailed analysis is an important contribution to our
> understanding of the ways in which gender, medicine, and
> state-building have historically intersected in modern China. Through
> a multi-faceted account of the individuals and institutions who
> sought to reform traditional midwifery practices, Childbirth in
> Republican China reveals how measures intended to improve women's
> status could also subject female reproductive bodies to intensified
> government control. it is sure to become a standard reference in the
> field." —Yi-Li Wu, author of Reproducing Women: Medicine, Metaphor,
> and Childbirth in Late Imperial China
> Table of contents:
> List of Figures and Tables ix
> Acknowledgments xi
> Introduction xv
> 1 Missionaries and Modernity 1
> 2 Reproduction Theory: Modern Childbirth and Modern Motherhood 35
> 3 The Midwifery Profession 73
> 4 National Reproduction in Republican China 125
> Epilogue: Reproduction in Twentieth-Century China 167
> Appendix: Translation of ?Good Methods for Protecting
> Newborns and Infants 183
> Bibliography 185
> Glossary of Chinese Terms 205
> Index 211
> About the Author 223
> For further information:
> Best regards,
> Tina Phillips Johnson, PhD
> Assistant Professor of History
> Director of Chinese Studies
> Saint Vincent College
> Latrobe, Pennsylvania 15650
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL

Fw: H-ASIA: Talk "Colonial Policing In The Dutch East Indies" 9/9/2011

----- Original Message -----
From: "Monika Lehner" <monika.lehner@UNIVIE.AC.AT>
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 12:34 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: Talk "Colonial Policing In The Dutch East Indies" 9/9/2011

> September 8, 2011
> Talk "Colonial Policing In The Dutch East Indies" - Sept. 9, 2011
> ******************************************************************
> From: "Thrasher, Allen" <>
> Presentation Announcement:
> "Colonial Policing In The Dutch East Indies: The Case Of The Ambonese
> Gewapende Politie (1893-1946)"
> by Martin Thiry, 2011 Library of Congress Florence Tan Moeson Fellow
> Date: Friday, September 9, 2011
> Time: 1:00-2:00pm
> Location: Asian Reading Room Foyer, LJ-150, 1st Floor, Jefferson Building,
> Library of Congress
> [Metro stop: Capitol South on the Blue/Orange Line.]
> Summary:
> The role of ethnic minorities in colonial policing is integral to the rise
> of the nation-state and an expression of agency on the part of minority
> groups in the development of the nation-state. During the late colonial
> period an amalgamation of ethnic minorities, referred to collectively as
> the Ambonese, were employed as policing agents. In this capacity the
> Ambonese have been understood as subject forces and less as actors,
> obscuring a fuller history of the Ambonese as colonial police. The ways
> in which they served in the years 1873-1945 helped lay foundations for the
> Indonesian nation-state. The Dutch were trying to form and keep together
> the colonial state; with the help of the Ambonese they served to cohere
> Indonesia.
> The introduction of armed police units, fortified in ever greater numbers
> by the Ambonese (personnel from Ambon, greater Maluku, Manado, and Timor),
> allowed the start of the pacification of the archipelago, particularly in
> the Outer Islands where the Dutch had so far exercised no more than
> nominal control. Ambonese would serve prominently in the Marechausse and
> later in the much more robust gewapende politie, critically in their own
> home areas.
> About the presenter:
> Martin Thiry graduated from Harvard in 2000 and joined the New Orleans
> Police Department where he was a patrolman and a robbery detective. He
> will complete his PhD in History at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and
> the East-West Center in Spring 2012.
> Contact:
> Anchi Hoh, Ph.D., Tel: 202-707-5673, E-mail:
> Request ADA accommodation five business days in advance.
> Contact 202-707-6862 or<>
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fw: H-ASIA: CFP 3rd Conf of the Asian Borderlands Research Network: Connections, Corridors, and Communities, Kunming, 12-15 Oct 2012

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:31 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP 3rd Conf of the Asian Borderlands Research Network:
Connections, Corridors, and Communities, Kunming, 12-15 Oct 2012

> September 7, 2011
> Call for Papers - 3rd Conference of the Asian Borderlands Research
> Network: Connections, Corridors, and Communities, Yunnan University,
> Kunming, 12-15, 2012
> (x-post IIAS)
> *********************************************************************
> From: "Haak, M.C. van den" <>
> 3rd Conference of the Asian Borderlands Research Network
> Connections, Corridors, and Communities
> Deadline for applications: 1 December 2011
> Conference dates: 12 - 15 October 2012
> Host: Centre for Southwest Borderland Ethnic Minority Studies, Yunnan
> University (YU), Kunming, China
> Convenors:
> Prof. He Ming (YU), Dr. Joy Bai (YU), Dr. Tina Harris (University of
> Amsterdam, UvA), Prof. Willem van Schendel (UvA) and Dr. Erik de Maaker
> (Leiden University)
> Extensive land and maritime networks have crisscrossed Asia for
> centuries,
> providing the basis for encounters between diverse ethnic, linguistic,
> economic, religious, and political groups. Today, developments such as
> new infrastructural projects, an increase in media access, and renewed
> interest in shaping cross-border cultural identities serve to both
> underscore these long-standing linkages and create new forms of
> connections across Asia. During the 3rd Asian Borderlands Research
> Conference in Kunming, we invite submissions that address
> continuities and ruptures along routes and borders in Asia, broadly
> related to the theme, "Connections, Corridors, and Communities".
> * Connections: How are Asian borderlands made more (or less) visible
> through the study of cross-border connections? In what ways does the
> idea of the "borderland" remain resilient throughout political and
> historical ruptures? What are the characteristics of various kinds of
> connections that are being created (as well as cut off) in Asian
> borderlands?
> * Corridors: Are networks and paths throughout Asian borderlands being
> forged, reopened, diverted, or closed, and what are the effects of such
> processes? Can one conceive of "corridors" in relation to maritime or
> island borderlands, information technology networks, or bodily
> borders in Asia?
> * Communities: What constitutes a "community" or "communities" in and
> across Asian borderlands, and how might these be contingent upon
> other factors, such as politics, environmental issues, and history?
> What are some of the barriers and restrictions to the creation of
> communities in the context of Asian borderlands? In what ways is a
> community defined by the state, by organizations, and/or by local
> individuals?
> Since one of the main goals of this conference is to spur collaboration
> and
> conversation across diverse fields in the hope of building up a more
> nuanced
> picture of the intersections and relationships across Asian borderlands,
> submissions are invited from scholars, writers, policy studies
> researchers,
> artists, filmmakers, activists, the media, and others from a wide variety
> of
> disciplinary backgrounds. We invite conceptually innovative papers, based
> on
> new research, in order to develop new perspectives in the study of Asian
> Borderlands.
> Only a small number of individual papers will be selected. We therefore
> encourage you to submit a full panel or roundtable proposal. We will
> consider proposals for panels and roundtables that have a thematic focus,
> are of a comparative character, and involve scholars or practitioners
> affiliated with different institutions.*
> *New to this Asian Borderlands conference, the roundtable format is
> intended to allow for a more open forum on a broader theme. Typically,
> panelists will each address the main issue or topic of the roundtable,
> and the remainder of the time is open for an informal discussion
> between the panel members and a more extended question-and-answer
> period with the audience. Some examples of wide themes in relation
> to Asian borderlands may include, but are not limited to: migration;
> security; gender; technology; environmental issues, etc.
> Please visit to submit proposals.
> The deadline is 1 December 2011.
> Participants will be notified towards the beginning of the year 2012.
> Very limited financial support may be made available to specific scholars
> residing in Asia and some junior or low-income scholars in other parts of
> the world. If you would like to be considered for a grant, please submit
> along with your abstract for a panel and/or paper a short letter stating
> the motivation for your request. Please also specify the kind of funding
> that you have applied for or will receive from other sources. Please note
> that the conference operates on a limited budget, and will not normally be
> able to provide more than a partial coverage of the costs of travel.
> urther information about registration fees, the venue, and logistics will
> be provided on the ABRN website once the panels have been accepted.
> For more information, please visit the website
> at, or email
> The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is a postdoctoral
> research centre based in the Netherlands. The Institute encourages the
> interdisciplinary and comparative study of Asia and promotes national and
> international cooperation. The Institute focuses on the human and social
> sciences and on their interaction with other sciences.
> IIAS Main Office Leiden | P.O. box 9500 | 2300 RA | Leiden |
> IIAS Branch Office Amsterdam | Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185 | 1012 DK |
> Amsterdam
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

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